Being an EFY counselor is the best job ever. Who else gets to hang out with teenagers all week long and teach about Jesus Christ while having so much fun?! (All while getting paid about $4.20 an hour...haha)
The dances are fantastic. I thought stake dances were good when I was 14, but EFY are the best dances hands down. Favorite part is walking around during slow dances and finding any boy who isn't dancing, direct him over to the nearest girl, and introduce my "friends" to each other. There's no saying no or getting out of dancing at that point.
The classes are soo good. Well, at least when I can stay awake through them. The teachers they bring in are the best of the best seminary/institute teachers.
Game night is not my favorite for multiple reasons....but this past week it was the 4th of July! Lucky us, we got to have pizza night outside after games/cheers and watch fireworks from the Stadium of Fire. Kinda a big deal for EFY, keeping track of 2000 kids during one of the biggest nights in Provo.
Last week 2 of my boys peed in the bushes. No joke. I had told everyone to go before we left, because there were a lot of people and not a lot of bathrooms, and even made the comment jokingly that there wouldn't be bushes to pee in. Come to find out, the boys did in fact pee in some bushes. At the conference center. At BYU. They told me the BCs wouldn't let them in to go to the bathroom....I had to try so hard to contain myself and not laugh when they told me. Because of course we shouldn't encourage this behavior, but I guess I am just a little immature:)
The stories of EFY could go on. and on. and on.
EFY is great. 'Nuff said.
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