I know I wasn't just lucky to have this opportunity. I was blessed. I was especially blessed when 4 weeks turned into 5, which eventually turned into 7. Six of these weeks were in lovely Provo, UT, while I got to spend one week in Logan. Go Aggies:)
Every week was sooo different - different co-counselors, kids, ages, session directors....
I loved (almost) all of it!
I have a testimony of EFY. Week after week participants would say it was the best week they had, and many had never felt the spirit so strong. EFY isn't a magical place, it's the things we do and environment at EFY that make it so special. I love when kids see that by simply reading their scriptures and praying every day, they can have the spirit be with them. I love to see kids who are initially hesitant or rebellious, feel something as the week goes on and have a visible change take place in them. EFY should be the starting point of building good habits. No one can live in the happy little bubble of chuch music-classes-game night-pizza-and devotionals forever, but the testimonies that are strengthened during the week are what changes lives for the better. Teenagers come from all over (one week I had a girl from the Bahamas, and she was pretty much a celebrity), and are amazed the power of a group of teenagers have when living the gospel, and see that the gospel brings more happiness than anything else. I love to see boys who will go on missions in a year or two commit to being missionaries, and begin to take the gospel seriously.
EFY is great. I love the dances. I love the awkwardness of the first day. I love friday's pink wrap (Not). I love musical program (my last week I was one of the people in charge of it...talk about pee my pants). I love the EFY music. I love having time every day to read my scriptures. I love teaching every single day. I love meeting the funniest kids. I love variety show. I love the counselors. I love watching 14 year olds flirt. I love the craziness of EFY in provo with 4 sessions all at the same time. I love cannon center food:). I love how you can love kids you hardly know like they are your own children for the week (well a real parent might not agree...). I love it all.