November 29, 2010

Festival of Trees

The past two years our family has decorated a Christmas tree for the Festival of Trees, which is then sold. (The Festival of Trees is a fundraiser for Primary Childrens Medical Center) This year I made a gingerbread house:)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

Outside, it looks a lot like Christmas. There are MASSIVE piles of snow. The thing is, i'm not sure I'm lovin the snow part too much....I guess for the month of December its ok. But thats about it. -10* outside is just too cold.
A week ago it was the first real snow, and so what did we do? Ran outside in our shorts and boots to play! I guess if I am going to live in this frozen wasteland, I better make the most of it- snowball fight, build a giant snowman, sled down Old Main, and stock up on hot chocolate.

We are all decked out for Christmas with our lights and even a tree!

Dead Fish...again

A week after the fish-behind-the-fridge incident we could smell the same smell. It turned out there was a dead fish fillet IN THE CEILING, which smelled even worse than before! It was so disgusting. This time we returned the fish to the people, leaving it on their counter while they weren't home. Unfortunately, it turned into quite a big deal, with them coming home to find the fish, they were not happy at all, and then they tried to put it back in our apartment. We had been smart, and made a whole contraption to keep our door lock, because they knew how to break in. (They have done it before, and our door is all scraped up from breaking in) It was not a good night... We couldn't get ahold of anyone the next morning to report what had happened and so mama robyn called the police! Ha Ha I thought it was a little extreme, but they had broken in multiple times, and done disgusting pranks! The whole situation seems so ridiculous now, and like what 14 year old girls would do to each other:) Hopefully, this is the last dead fish incident we have....

November 16, 2010

dead fish

What a lovely smell I found in our apartment when we came back this weekend. NOT! (and it wasn't the smell from dishes sitting in the sink for a week...)
How gross is that.
Everyone was gone this weekend. When some of my roommates left they said it smelled, but they didn't know what it was and just left.
So, I come back, AND IT REEKED. We didn't know what it was, or even exactly where the smell came from.
But, eventually we figured it was somewhere around the fridge. We looked under, in, and then pulled the fridge out.
Behind the fridge was A PIECE OF FISH in a grocery bag. It was there for probably at least 4 days. How gross is that.
And how did it get there?
Some boys from another apartment.
Stupid boys.
That was not nice. Or funny.

November 9, 2010

my to do list.

I like lists. In fact, sometimes I'm kinda obsessed. Usually I write a list for what to do everyday. And for every week. And even for the month. I have homework lists, shopping lists, lists of recipes that look yum, places I want to go, and things to do. I like to be organized and have a plan.
Here's my list of things to do before I die. Like a bucket list. And like all my other lists, I always think of more things to add. So hopefully I don't die anytime soon.

To do list...
  • ride in a hot air balloon.
  • go on a humanitarian trip to somewhere in South America
  • take my future family on a service trip too
  • go snorkeling and swim with turtles
  • go to Hawaii (the snorkeling would work well here:)
  • become a social worker
  • go on a mission
  • go to another country to teach English (India?...)
  • be an EFY counselor
  • be in the pillsbury bakeoff
  • write my own cookbook
  • write a cookbook for college students
  • go to Ireland, Italy, and the Seychelles Islands
  • have kids
  • adopt a black baby
  • learn to surf
  • be a wedding planner (I might be working at Magnolia Grove until i'm 40...)
  • go to Prince Edwards Island in the fall (or anywhere east coast)

November 2, 2010

November 1, 2010