February 29, 2012

Cabin Time!

Cabin weekends are one of my favorite things in the whole world. What's better than spending time away from normal life, wearing sweats all weekend, no make up, playing games, eating food, watching movies, playing more games, fires, playing in the snow, and eating more food?!

Snowshoeing, cooking food, Spades, mafia, poker, animal noise game, signs, BS, scum, fire, smores, sleeping 4 in a bed, ice skating, going to Huntsville... I am lucky to have these friends:) We are pretty dang funny. You know it's a good time when someone pees their pants a little:)
And yes, my eye is half closed in that picture. Freaky. That's why you alway take two.
And yes, we are wearing the same clothes in every picture.

February 27, 2012


Last week I was able to talk to an amazing woman.
My friends and I went to Legacy House to visit with the people and sing. There are a few people we especially like to see. One of these is Barbara, and incredible 80 year old lady.

We walked in and asked if we could just come talk with her. She was so happy to have company and people around. I was so touched in the half hour we spent with her. Barbara is so full of wisdom and even spunk for her old age! She asked us all about ourselves and we were able to find out about her life and family. She was constantly telling us how life can be if we make it good, to take advantages of opportunities, to not do anything we will regret later. This sweet lady shared so many memories and things that are important to her.

It was so sad to hear her tell how old people are "put on a shelf". To see tears in her eyes as she felt so loved that someone would stop by for just a few minutes to talk to her. When we asked if we could be her adopted grandkids, it was almost too much for her! She could hardly believe that we wanted to keep coming back to see her. Before we left we sang a few hymns. Back in the day she directed choirs and music was her thing. It was evident how much love was in that room as we sang "I am a Child of God" to a sweet 80 year old lady and she struggled to remember the words.

That retirement home is full of people like that. The world is full of people like that. It's easy just ignore any one elses loneliness, to just think about our problems. But by simply acknowledging another human being, by taking 2 minutes to say hi to them, it can make a world of difference. I don't think we ever truly know how much one life can be touched by our words or actions.

February 19, 2012

Free Crappy Portraits

Send a picture to Free Crappy Portraits, and some random person will draw a picture of your pretty little face. How cool is that? Pretty cool.
Thank you freecrappyportraits.com :)
To see the picture I sent in click on the link.....

February 18, 2012

mustaches, oxygen, and other great things.

matchy matchy

valentines day dinner:)

Mardi Gras Party oxygen bar.....as wild as it gets here.

Now that's Pinterest worthy.

hola! Mi nombre es Luigi!

February 15, 2012

valentines day


Valentines Day is not all about mushy gushy love and bf/gf relationships. Being single doesn't have to make it the worst day of the year. (You are still allowed to stuff your face with chocolates and other delicious things.)

It's about loving the people around you.

(not gonna lie... I still wasn't loving it this year)

But I was so spoiled on this day of love, and one lucky girl.

In the morning someone left a bottle of sparkling cider and 6 roses on your doorstep, with a note that said "to each and every beautiful girl in PV 18". Aw, how sweet:)

My best-mom-ever sent me a valentines package in the mail, stuffed of course with candy, chocolate, and heart sugar cookies.

Some friends brought us each flowers and chocolate, love those boys:)

For dinner a bunch of us went to the Olive Garden. So of course that made my tummy happy. Oh, and one of the guys even paid for all us girls. What a gentleman. That's how great of friends I have.

Before dinner we made some little valentines and went to the Legacy Assisted Living to hand them out. I just cannot get enough of those old people....They are the sweetest thing ever! One of the ladies told us how Valentines Day is her favorite holiday, but she had only gotten one card. It absolutely made her night for us to go see her, and she even asked us to sing to her! Oh boy, I don't think she knew what she was getting herself into....Three of us ended up singing the "I Love You" song from Barney, but she at least pretended to love it! I definitely want to make doing something for others a part of Valentines Day from now on.

Valentines Day wouldn't be complete without watching a chickflick....so of course we ended the night watching "Serendipity".

(The only thing that could have made it better is watching The Vow. Or watching it like 5 times in a row:)

Sometimes we just need a day to know that we are loved.

Pinned Image

February 9, 2012

Special Olympics Volleyball State Games

that moment

That moment when you realize you are one of almost 7 billion people living on this earth. Holy. Cow. And it's all a little overwhelming and confusing and lonely at the the same time. When you stop and realize you aren't the center of the universe. When you see that there each person is separate and distinct, that each person has a life to live.

That moment when you walk into special needs institute and get to spend time with the sweetest spirits spirits on this earth. When you feel of their innocence and yearning to learn. When you realize that although there are almost 7 billion people living right at this moment, that each and every person has a divine, individual worth. When you get just the tiniest glimpse of how much God loves every single one of his children, despite and physical or mental challenges. When you begin to see each person as God sees them, as a child with so much potential.

That moment when you are at special olympics and you get to see the complete happiness in the faces of the athletes. When you see them interact with people and are able to see completely beyond any physical or mental challenges. When you see their abilities rather than disabilities. When you start to see how much it means for you to take 2 hours out of your day to talk to them and give them the attention to feel important.

That moment when you go to the assisted living home with friends to sing hymns, and the old grandmas say "there's my girls!". When you talk to a person who is frail and weak but instantly lights up when you sing their favorite song. When you walk into the room full of Alzheimers patients and see many of them sitting there lifeless, but are able to feel of their spirits and know that they are God's children despite the wrinkly skin, sag, and drool all over their face:)

That moment when we get a glimpse into how much God loves us, that each one of us is important. When we come to realize that no matter how many people are living on this earth, we are important to those around us. That moment when we realize the way we will really feel good about ourselves is to forget so much about our own problems and to find all the good in others.

February 6, 2012