March 31, 2012
March 27, 2012
Festival of Colors
There's nothing quite like thousands and thousands of people throwing chalk directly into your face and chanting "hara krishna, hara krishna" at the top of their lungs to celebrate spring!
We went to to festival of colors at the llama temple in Spanish Fork. Crazy and wild, yes, but you gotta live it up while things like this are still fun, right?! Pretty sure every high school and college kid and their dog was there.
March 20, 2012
Honduras...One life at a time.
The past week and a half has been incredible....
I am so so so lucky I was able to go to Honduras with One Life at a Time.
People ask how it was, and it's difficult to even begin to express how much I loved it! It's difficult to imagine how much you begin to truly have a love for people when you serve them. Experiences like I had change you.
Going on this trip put a lot of things in perspective for me. It helped me realize what's most important, what I want to do in my life. I got a glimpse of just how much Heavenly Father loves each one of his children. We have no idea. Each one of us is in a different circumstance, born to different parents, live in different countries...but the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has for every single child is the same. As I held children in my arms at the orphange who were sick and lethargic or screaming from getting teeth pulled, I was filled with the love for them. They are not forgotten, and have just as much individual worth as any other person on this planet.
I was blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people. The Dr. and Dentists gave up a week of time and money to use their abilities to serve others. I was continually impressed by each person who came. Everyone had something to contribute, whether physically evident or not.
I have so much in my life. Because I live in the circumstances I do, I feel it a responsibility to help others. It's addicting....the more you serve the more you want to continue to touch lives.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is what truly brings happiness. This is because we receive more blessings through being obedient. I felt the power of missionary work, as each young adult came in to have medical and dental exams. There was story after story of young men and woman who are the only members in their family, or just joined the church a year ago, or had no parents, but who had so much faith and trust that they want more than anything to serve a mission. One girl came in to see the dentist. She began filling her papers out over a year ago, but has just been waiting until she can see a dentist to turn them in. These pre-missionaries realize what's important, and will do everything they can to serve their Heavenly Father.
I have hundreds of pictures to sort through.....but for now, this video brings all the emotions back. :)
I am so so so lucky I was able to go to Honduras with One Life at a Time.
People ask how it was, and it's difficult to even begin to express how much I loved it! It's difficult to imagine how much you begin to truly have a love for people when you serve them. Experiences like I had change you.
Going on this trip put a lot of things in perspective for me. It helped me realize what's most important, what I want to do in my life. I got a glimpse of just how much Heavenly Father loves each one of his children. We have no idea. Each one of us is in a different circumstance, born to different parents, live in different countries...but the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has for every single child is the same. As I held children in my arms at the orphange who were sick and lethargic or screaming from getting teeth pulled, I was filled with the love for them. They are not forgotten, and have just as much individual worth as any other person on this planet.
I was blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people. The Dr. and Dentists gave up a week of time and money to use their abilities to serve others. I was continually impressed by each person who came. Everyone had something to contribute, whether physically evident or not.
I have so much in my life. Because I live in the circumstances I do, I feel it a responsibility to help others. It's addicting....the more you serve the more you want to continue to touch lives.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is what truly brings happiness. This is because we receive more blessings through being obedient. I felt the power of missionary work, as each young adult came in to have medical and dental exams. There was story after story of young men and woman who are the only members in their family, or just joined the church a year ago, or had no parents, but who had so much faith and trust that they want more than anything to serve a mission. One girl came in to see the dentist. She began filling her papers out over a year ago, but has just been waiting until she can see a dentist to turn them in. These pre-missionaries realize what's important, and will do everything they can to serve their Heavenly Father.
I have hundreds of pictures to sort through.....but for now, this video brings all the emotions back. :)
March 6, 2012
blah, blah, blah....
- english analysis paper (on some book I didn't read all of....oops)
- informative speech on eating healthy (kind of hypocritial when you haven't been grocery shopping for over a month and are living on whatever edible things you can find left in the fridge)
- social work program application (yay:)
- research paper on mental illness advocay
check, check, check, check.
That doesn't even count all the quizzes to take and books to read. It would nice to have a solid 48 hours to not have any homework to worry about. Ya, that would be great.
This past weekend was good though....twizzleberry, sleeping in our blanket fort (yes mom, we are still allowed to do stuff like that), insitute lifetime conversion conference (SO good, the speakers were fantastic), fast sunday, fireside watching in our fort (yes mom, we left it up for 2 nights and our apartment did look like 9 year old boys lived there)
And in 72 hours.....I will outta this place, flying far away to another country. Honduras, here I come!
March 5, 2012
Jesus Christ is the Way
"There is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ." -Helaman 5:9
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