September 30, 2012

115 days.

31 days until:

(But let's be honest....the candy corn consumption begins now. And the calorie count for each day should only increase until then.)

48 days until:

53 days until:

(The potatoes are of course the most important part. I will also be stuffing myself with pumpkin pie and the other necessaries. My stomach has been stretched out all year for this.)

75 days until:

(Happy 21st to me)

86 days until:

(Merry Christmas to all)

115 days until I will be here:


That should come soon enough.
Half a pregnancy.
3 full moons.
4 more Fast Sundays. (and those come fast enough...)


  1. Marisa I am so excited for you. You are going to make a great missionary, no doubt.

    1. Alex you are so sweet! And thanks, I could not be more excited! :)
