November 18, 2012


I love this man. I could listen to him speak all day. For example, this video too.

November 13, 2012

the BoM


Once upon a time I worked in the Risk Management office at Utah State. This was the best job a student could ask for. I worked part time, whatever hours I wanted. No joke. My office was in the big fancy Old Main building. I had my own desk and [office]ish area. People would always walk in and think I was the secretary for the legal department, and ask for directions or want to make an appointment. Really I was able to sit and read the fat textbook and blog stalk people. But what my job entailed is beyond the point.

The man I worked for was very nice. I worked for him freshman and sophomore year. Sadly, I had to quit this luxurious job in order to go on travels to other parts of  the world [mission]. When I was explaining that I would not be back the next the semester, the man was not very familiar with how a mission works. "So you sign up for where you want to go?" "18 months?!  Can't you do part time?.."
He did not know much about missions. Or Mormons.

It turned out the man ended up accepting a position at a different university in another state, and moved away not long after I moved away. I had a little note I had wanted to send to him, and just to update him on a few things. For a while I had a little thought to give him a Book of Mormon. So, I sent him a little note and casually mailed the BoM with it. No big deal. I was far away from the man, he would not be able to chase after me screaming, drunk, etc etc. [The man was previously in the army. And he may possibly have shown up at work in a not so normal state at times...] But really, what was the harm in sending a little something something to explain about maybe why he liked me so much? [He had previously even offered me a job when I came back to school. Must have been my work ethic.]

Now I did have to find his new address. That is where my stalking skills came in handy. My most recent job has strengthened these as I have learned to find the contact information for every doctor who has every practiced in this country the past century. Well pretty much. [Maybe I will consider a career with the FBI.] Off went the BoM in the mail, knowing I would never see or hear from the man again, until possibly in heaven.

And then.....A few weeks later in the mail I received a package. The return address had the man listed. Inside was none other than....some anti-God-anti-religion book. What. The. Heck. Really? Thank you for taking the time to order me some anti-God literature [written by none less than a New York Times bestselling author] from Amazon.

I never even considered this. I just sent a BoM, I didn't even send the missionaries to chase after him. I thought, why turn down an opportunity to share what I know is true, when sooner or later he will hear this from someone else? I was simply sharing something that is important in my life.

Well, clearly God is not important in his life. This man is some sort of atheist. I didn't know whether to take this as a joke, or as an insult. I didn't know if he thought it would be funny to send something that goes against everything I shared with him, or if he truly feels passionate about this?

But it doesn't really matter. Some day maybe he will remember what I randomly sent him in the mail, and not think it is so crazy after all. Obviously everyone is not Mormon, and not everyone is ready to be Mormon right now. But at least I know I didn't waste an opportunity to share a little something something. Heck, if some Buddhist sent me some foreign book on meditation and zen, I wouldn't be all over it.

Someday maybe I will anonymously send the missionaries to find this man. And then what will he do to me... :) Not everyone is all gung-ho about the gospel. But we do what we can, and the Holy Ghost will do the rest. Sounds crazy, but the Holy Ghost isn't crazy. I know not everyone in Argentina will be flocking to read the BoM. But there will be some. And for the rest of them, at least I know I tried. You never know what will happen on later in life. [And maybe I will see the man in heaven..]

November 10, 2012

When I grow up....

When I grow up there are some things I am going to do. Things that I realize the world is lacking, so someday better do something. Not like the we-need-a-new-president type of problems, or save-the-near-extinct-black-footed-ferret (which p.s. is a real thing.)

#1When I grow up I am going to have a scholarship for normal white girls. For the girls who don't have an athletic scholarship, Miss America, or perfect ACT scholarship. For the girls who never qualify for grants and financial aide. This scholarship is for the girls who were involved in things in school, who had good grades, etc etc, but aren't in the top 2% or bottom 50%. Yes, I am going to fund a scholarship.

#2When I grow up I am going to have a blog/business/something for sister missionaries. Business is booming for girl missionary stuff, as every girl and their dog is now going on a mission. And the problem? Where on earth do people find clothes/shoes to wear for a year and a half?! Times have changed. There is no longer the ankle-length-black-skirt-with-turtleneck-and-grandma-shoes dress code.
"Outfits should consist of professional suits, skirts, blouses, jackets, sweaters, and dresses. Clothing should be attractive, colorful, tailored to fit well, and conservative in style. Choose colors and patterns that you can mix and match with a variety of outfits." (

But...where do you buy all these clothes? Last time I checked you can't walk into the one stop shop (aka Missionary Mall) and pick up your suit and 7 shirts. Pinterest is great and all for looking at pretty pictures, but where do all these "attractive" "colorful" skirts and shirts coming from?  This is why some assistance/direction/experience is needed in providing assistance on where to buy items for missions. It would be so helpful to have some ideas of what clothes work best, and where to find these clothes, rather than searching google and stalking random peoples blogs to find any useful information. Or spending 3 hours tramping through different stores to find 1 skirt. Both true stories.

I realize I am not a returned missionary. Or even a missionary yet. So I can't claim to know what shoes are the best, or what items of clothing are worn the most. But, I have looked at stores. Lots of stores. And so I will keep track of where I have found sister missionary appropriate clothing. And remember, sister missionaries don't dress like polygamists or your 78 year old grandma. (Well, let's be honest, those grandma clothes are actually coming back. But not those velcro shoes and frumpy black skirt.)

 Shoes: Yes, I prefer forever young. You know, the 19.95 flats. But....I guess a better pair of shoes is required to walk along cobblestone streets all day. This means you actually have to go to a real store. I went to Dilliards and Maceys. I researched before for best brands, and so I looked specifically for Born and Naturalizer. Both these brands are comfortable. (I haven't walked 10 miles in them, so we will see about that) The people at Sister Missionary Mall rave about Dankos. Well, to start out with, they look like authentic Danish clogs. I tried them on and felt like I was a foot higher. No wonder they last forever. But if Dankos are your thing, go for it.

Skirts: Hello, why is every skirt too short or dry clean only. What about the rest of us? Lots of skirts I have seen pictures of have been too short when I tried it on, and I'm not 10 feet tall or anything.So, I guess I still haven't found the trick on finding skirts. Stores like Dress Barn (yes, it is a grandma store) that have dressy work clothes are good. Down East has some cute skirts. The tough part is finding a variety of skirts that aren't all floral or hot pink, because remember these will be worn every. day. for. 18. months.

Other stores that are on the list to be visited (because they supposedly have good clothes there) are Nordstrom, Loft, ......and who knows where else. In the next 60ish days, I should at least know where the best places are to find clothes. As for what actually works/wears the best, I guess I will have to wait for Argentina to know that. And then I will be able to save some stress/time for all those girls going on missions by sharing real experience/suggestions.

Born Shoes                                                Dress Barn                             Down East
Born Women's : Born Jerrica Women's Mary Jane Flats, Grey Size 8


 Pumpkins, anyone?

 Yes, we picked our pumpkins right out of a field.

 Petting zoo? The neighbor's backyard has more animals than that.
 Pumpkin carving party. Too bad mine looked like a 5 year old stabbed some holes in it and then a dog chewed one side. (If dogs even chew/eat pumpkins)

 Gardeners village to see the witches.

Horrible picture, I know, but the mint green bathtub was just adorable.

i love to see the temple

 Ask any 6 year old mormon kid and they would know every word to the song. And I was finally able to go to the temple...with a real adult recommend. I felt old. Well, until I walked in and there was a lady 80 years older than me around every corner. This is a lovely place.